A few months ago I went to MIX08, which was I must say an excellent conference with a very different focus from DevConnections, TechEd, and…
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Through Lake Quincy Media, we work with a variety of ad management platforms used by our customers. This is a story about Atlas, as told by…
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The Ha recently wrote about his desire to get away from NorthWind and perhaps start some community driven effort to come up with something…
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Next week (and the week after) at Tech Ed, several experienced speakers will compete with one another in Speaker Idol, held at the Tech Ed…
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A couple of weeks ago the aspNetPRO magazine’s annual Reader’s Choice Awards were published in their latest issue. DevExpress swept the…
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Doug Seven of Microsoft is hosting a party at Howl at the Moon during TechEd on June 3rd. He has some details on his blog and the party will…
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[Freakonomics [Revised and Expanded]: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything: Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner: Books…
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Last night I presented at the Cleveland .NET SIG on Black Belt ASP.NET Performance Techniques, which is a talk I’ll be giving in a few weeks…
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Microsoft has published a set of white papers which provide a good technical overview of the features available in Visual Studio Team System…
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Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Robert C. Martin Series): Michael Feathers: Books I’ve just finished the above book, which was…
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