Today as I was writing functional tests for API endpoints again I created some helpers to assist with the boilerplate code involved in such…
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There's virtually no difference, physiologically, between the sensations and symptoms of fear and excitement. But there is a big difference…
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I've been programming web applications using the MVC pattern for a very long time. What's more, I've been helping companies dig themselves…
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Time for a recap of stats and important (and not so important) milestones from 2020, the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some other…
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There is some debate about whether the movie Die Hard (1988) should be categorized as a Christmas movie. On the one side are those who point…
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A common feature of distributed architectures is message-based communication between systems or microservices. Whether using a message bus…
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EF and EF Core DbContext types implement . As such, best practice programming suggests that you should wrap them in a block (or new C#…
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Little's Law was first described in 1954 and later proved by John Little in 1961. It is typically expressed as: L = λW L represents the…
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CAP Theorem (wikipedia) is a classic "given 3 choices, choose 2" topic. The three choices are Consistency, Availability, and Partition…
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Tim Heuer recently published an article showing how to create your own dotnet CLI templates for generating GitHub action YAML files. I…
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