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The ASP.NET Cookbook is finally 100% complete and submitted to the publisher, SAMS (as of 2/26/03). This has been quite an undertaking, and…

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I just thought I’d write something quick to tell Scott Watermasysk that he has a pretty cool thing going here with these blogs. Having thus…

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I had a good time at the MVP Summit last week; it was my first. I have some pictures to upload but they’re still on my camera at the moment…

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Regular expressions are very powerful, and are one of my favorite tools to use because they are so flexible and they can be used regardless…

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This would be my obligatory first post to Scottw’s awesome new DotNetWebLogs site! I hope to return and add more content once I finish up my…

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Mmmmm, cookies... Cookies can be a good method for passing data between pages and especially for retaining data between sessions. Today, it…

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