About ArdalisSoftware ArchitectSteve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.Get a Free Developer Tip in your inbox every Wednesday.🔍 SEARCH 🎓 ONLINE TRAINING From Zero to Hero: Modular Monoliths in .NETRefactoring to SOLID C# Code NEW!ASP.NET Core 6 Web API: Best PracticesWorking with C# Generics: Best PracticesDomain-Driven Design FundamentalsRefactoring for C# DevsKanban: Getting StartedSOLID Principles for C# DevsDesign Patterns Overview 📋 CATEGORIES Career Advice (2)Iraq (158)Personal (38)Productivity (168)Security (7)Software Development (964)Uncategorized (435) 📘 FREE ARCHITECTURE EBOOKGet the Book!🖊️ RECENT ARTICLESArdalis Specification v9 Released2024 Year In ReviewWhen QA Keeps Finding BugsAvoid Using C# Events in ASP.NET Core ApplicationsInterfaces Describe What - Implementations Describe How