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Wow, I’m really getting a late start on this post. I’d meant to come up with some goals for the year back at the start of the month, and…

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Earlier this week, I received a package of DVDs from the DevReach conferenceI was invited to speak at last October. I’ve already written…

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CodeMash 2009, the third annual Ohio conference (and as far as I know, the largest Ohio developers’ conference), was by all accounts a great…

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I've been the proud owner of a black Zune 30 for a couple of years now. I think it's great and I really don't foresee a need to get a Zune…

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Last year I decided to blog some personal goals that I had for the year. It’s widely known that the act of writing something down greatly…

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Like many others, I enjoy playing games in my short supply of free time. I used to be a bigtime PC gamer who scoffed at console gamers, but…

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