Code Quality and Testing – DevIntersection Spring Presentations
Date Published: 22 April 2016
This week I presented at the sold-out DevIntersection spring conference, held at the Disney Swan hotel in Orlando, Florida. Overall this was a great show with more attendees than expected (always a good problem to have), and of course it was great to see many of my friends and colleagues. On Monday I sat in on Damian Edwards’ workshop on ASP.NET Core, which went well but was a bit rough due to the fact that they were trying out new RC2 bits that had literally been compiled over the weekend. It didn’t help that the full room maxed out the network connection trying to download required Visual Studio and related updates. But overall the workshop went well and covered the material it planned to. If you’re interested in ASP.NET Core, check out, and I’m planning on offering an online half-day course in June.
My first presentation, Improving the Quality of Existing Software, was on Tuesday and appealed to a pretty large group. The main topics were refactoring and SOLID principles. I’ve uploaded the slides to Slideshare:
Improving the Quality of Existing Software – DevIntersection April 2016 from Steven Smith
Then on Wednesday I presented on Breaking Dependencies to Allow Unit Testing, which was standing room only (it was a smaller room). Slides:
Breaking Dependencies to Allow Unit Testing – DevIntersection Spring 2016 from Steven Smith
By the way, there was a question during this session about Thread.Sleep in tests, and I tried to find an example but wasn’t able to in the time available. I’ve just published a blog post on this topic, Thread.Sleep in Tests is Evil. Check it out if you’re interested.
Thanks to everybody who attended and to the organizers for a great event. If you’re interested in learning more from me, sign up to get my Weekly Dev Tips.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.