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I'm learning more about InfoPath (formerly XDocs), and it seems like it'll be a really cool addition to the Office toolset.  Has anybody had…

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RSS = Real Simple Syndication, I learned recently. I’ve been wanting to implement something similar for events (of the calendar variety) for…

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Thought I'd blog about my experience thus far with the beta.  As I wrote in an earlier entry, I upgraded to Outlook 2003 Beta some weeks ago…

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Here’s a little something that I term “the caching pattern” for using the ASP.NET cache object: The as keyword will try to cast Cache[key…

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Bipin Joshi interviewed me (virtually) for his website, You may read the interview here if you’re interested: DotNetBips…

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I’ve had enough people ask me for hosting advice lately to write up my thoughts in an article. You can read about my experience with the…

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