Tech Ed
Date Published: 03 June 2007
I arrived in Orlando last night. I’m staying at the Disney Swan (and Dolphin). I’m planning on making it to Palermo’s Party this evening, though I may be late as I have other engagements. I’m looking forward to meeting up with a lot of friends this week, since I had to miss the spring DevConnections show due to other commitments. I’m also looking forward to seeing a lot of Lake Quincy Media’s customers and publishers and showing of our new AdSignia tool. Today I’m meeting with my fellow Regional Directors, and you’ll find me this week spending a fair bit of time at the RD Booth, where we’re going to be showing off our new website, The Region.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.