Whidbey Overview Talk in South Bend Went Pretty Well
Date Published: 17 February 2004
I spoke to about a dozen folks at the MADNUG user group this evening about Whidbey. Borrowing heavily from Scott Guthrie’s slide/demo pack that he has shown on several occasions, I did a ‘whirlwind tour’ of the new features that are coming. Some of the highlights included Master Pages, Authentication Controls, built-in portal features, GridView/DetailsView, dynamic image generation support, caching enhancements (of course – my fav topic), and VS.NET IDE enhancements. Of course, given less than 2 hours I barely scratched the surface of what’s coming with Whidbey, but since none of these users had been to PDC, this was a lot of new information, and (I think) very exciting stuff.
Anyway, thanks Eric for inviting me and for taking me out to BW3 afterward (who ever heard of a BW3, or any bar/restaraunt, having last call at 9pm and closing before 10pm on a Tuesday night???). I’ll be sending the slide deck and demos to Eric to post on the MADNUG website later tonight.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.