Whidbey Overview Talk in South Bend Went Pretty Well

Date Published: 17 February 2004

Whidbey Overview Talk in South Bend Went Pretty Well

I spoke to about a dozen folks at the MADNUG user group this evening about Whidbey. Borrowing heavily from Scott Guthrie’s slide/demo pack that he has shown on several occasions, I did a ‘whirlwind tour’ of the new features that are coming. Some of the highlights included Master Pages, Authentication Controls, built-in portal features, GridView/DetailsView, dynamic image generation support, caching enhancements (of course – my fav topic), and VS.NET IDE enhancements. Of course, given less than 2 hours I barely scratched the surface of what’s coming with Whidbey, but since none of these users had been to PDC, this was a lot of new information, and (I think) very exciting stuff.

Anyway, thanks Eric for inviting me and for taking me out to BW3 afterward (who ever heard of a BW3, or any bar/restaraunt, having last call at 9pm and closing before 10pm on a Tuesday night???). I’ll be sending the slide deck and demos to Eric to post on the MADNUG website later tonight.

Steve Smith

About Ardalis

Software Architect

Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.