USA Today Seeking IRR Soldiers for Interviews
Date Published: 24 July 2004
Donna Leinwand contacted me yesterday about doing an interiew via email for USA Today, and asked if I would put her contact information on my website so that other IRR soldiers might contact her. I need to coordinate with Public Affairs before I agree to do an interview, and I recommend that any of you who wish to speak with her do the same thing. The PA office at Ft. Bliss was very helpful when I worked with them a few weeks ago.
If you are an IRR soldier and you would like to share your story with USA Today, please contact Donna Leinwand at dleinwand AT (replace AT with @). You can also call her at 703-899-8779.
Not much new here. Hanging in there.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.