Some Code Quality Links

Date Published: 03 March 2009

Some Code Quality Links

Caught a couple of nice links from @unclebobmartin via twitter this morning that I thought were worth sharing. The first one is a very nice summary of the Software Craftsmanship conference that took place last week in London. From reading this review, it sounds like there were a lot of very interesting and interactive sessions. The author,Kerry Buckley, shows off his own mind-map of software development practices which I think is pretty cool (using Graphviz and including such things as TATFT,TDD, and YAGNI. I’d be interested in seeing how others’ graphs differed and what a composite graph might have looked like. I’m also intrigued by the ideas of katas for self-improvement as a developer (described in another session). I’m a practicingisshin-ryukarate-ka, and one of the reasons I chose martial arts is because of the greater degree of knowledge, discipline, and self-improvement that it provides in comparison to, say, walking on a treadmill. There’s some interesting discussion of katas as a means to gather constructive criticism from peers, which I also think is valuable.

There’s a lot more interesting stuff in the post (read it), and I hope soon there will be more of these conferences, especially in the US (there is an active Software Craftsmanship group in Chicago).

Another Uncle Bob link is a review of his book, Clean Code, which I expect will be waiting for me when I return home from the MVP summit later this week. I’ll be sure to post my own review once I’ve had a chance to read it. (oh, and if you haven’t read Uncle Bob’s articles, I highly recommend them, in addition to the 10 papers every developer should read that Michael Feathers recently posted, which I’m still working through).

Steve Smith

About Ardalis

Software Architect

Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.