PDC2003: 1623 on Day One
Date Published: 26 October 2003
Ok, this post will be of little use to most people – I apologize.
I got in at 10am or so, one of the few people unaffected by the airport delays caused by all the fires. Managed to get checked in at hotel and to the convention center by noon, just in time for lunch. Met Scott Swanson and Serge from VbCity for lunch, then hit the expo hall for a while. Talked to a bunch of vendors, saw Andrew Duthie, the Junkies, Rob Howard. Alex Lowe’s stuck in Chicago as of 2pm and Neil Rowe from SAMS is stuck in Denver. Spent some time talking to Erik Sink of SourceGear Vault.
Anyway, the expo hall closed around 4pm and I headed back to my hotel to meet with Codewise Community people at 4:30. So, with 5 minutes to spare, I’m shooting off this email. I’ll post pictures and maybe add some links to this post later.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.