On Hold
Date Published: 25 June 2004
Most of the people in my CRC cycle shipped out today. About a dozen of us are on hold for various reasons. In my case, there was some confusion that didn't come about until late Thursday as to whether our orders indicated that we should report directly to Iraq or to McDill AFB first (near Tampa, FL). After speaking with McDill today, they said they don't need to see us and we can go straight over, but the CRC flights are once/week and we already missed this week's, so we're delayed a week. The good news is that I have a pass and can fly home for a few days.
I also got to see my M9 pistol qualification record, and learned that I qualified expert with 270/300 score. So that's cool, although the range was pretty easy in my opinion and I'm not sure I could consistently maintain that level of marksmanship... It was a different course from the one at Ft. Leonard Wood, and used pop-up targets, firing on the move, and firing while masked (gas mask).
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.