Log Request Headers Middleware for ASP.NET Core
Date Published: 31 January 2024
Recently I ran into a weird problem with how Visual Studio was sending API requests and I really wanted to see exactly what headers were being sent to my ASP.NET Core app. So I wrote this simple bit of middleware to do the job.
What is Middleware
If you're not familiar with middleware, it's a set of functions ("request delegates") that are executed in a particular order as part of every request that is made to an ASP.NET Core application. It's an example of the Chain of Responsibility design pattern. I talk about useful ways you can use the Chain of Responsibility pattern in this video.
Read the ASP.NET Core Middleware docs (which I wrote the original version of back when ASP.NET Core was prerelease)
Request Headers
In ASP.NET Core, every request sends some headers with it. Headers are just one part of how HTTP works. In the problem I encountered that led to this middleware, I was explicitly sending an Authorization header, but the tooling wasn't showing that header as having been sent. If I sent an "Authorization2" header, that showed up fine. Somehow the Authorization header was disappearing! It was pretty frustrating, and I needed more data to help me diagnose the problem. Request headers disappearing seemed to be a key component of the problem, so I decided to log all of the headers the application was actually getting.
The LogHeadersMiddleware
Here's the middleware. It's pretty simple - just copy this file into your web project to have access to it. I'll show how to wire it up in a moment.
public class LogHeadersMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
private readonly ILogger<LogHeadersMiddleware> _logger;
public LogHeadersMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, ILogger<LogHeadersMiddleware> logger)
_next = next;
_logger = logger;
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
foreach (var header in context.Request.Headers)
_logger.LogInformation("Header: {Key}: {Value}", header.Key, header.Value);
await _next(context);
// Extension method to make it easy to add the middleware to the pipeline
public static class LogHeadersMiddlewareExtensions
public static IApplicationBuilder UseLogHeaders(this IApplicationBuilder builder)
return builder.UseMiddleware<LogHeadersMiddleware>();
Using the LogHeadersMiddleware
Ok so how do you use this? Well you need to add app.UseLogHeaders()
to your Program.cs
file (or Startup.cs
if your app still uses that). It's important that you do this in the right place, though, since the order of middleware is very important. I recommend adding it to the very top of your middleware pipeline, so it might look something like this:
var app = builder.Build();
app.UseLogHeaders(); // add here right after you create app
// other middleware
You might also opt to only include it if you're running in Debug (not Production) since it will have a small impact on performance. Really you probably should just immediately delete the call to it once you've identified the problem you're struggling with, since there's not usually much reason to always log all of a request's headers (especially not one log entry per header).
Writing custom middleware is pretty simple to do in ASP.NET Core. If you're having trouble figuring out what's going on in your application, keep this approach in mind as a way to get more info. Another approach you can try is turning up the built-in logging for ASP.NET Core, but then you're likely to get way more information than you need. That's why I opted for this solution, as it only took me a couple of minutes to come up with this code, and soon after that I'd identified the problem I was running into with Visual Studio's tooling (but that's another article...).
Do you have a favorite piece of custom middleware you use? Leave a comment below and tell me about it!
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.