Keeping up with this site
Date Published: 14 June 2004
This post is for my mom, and for anybody else who has found this site to be of interest and is checking it daily (or more than daily) to see if I've posted any news. I just want to share with everyone some information about tools that will automatically let you know whenever I post something new, and in fact these tools can also be used to notify you when things of interest happen on other sites you visit, especially (but not limited to) web logs like this one. These tools are collectively called aggregators and basically they periodically check sites you 'subscribe' to in order to see if anything new has been posted there. I wrote up a brief article about how these work and some of the major ones here. Personally, I use Outlook for my email, and there is a great plug-in called Newsgator that simply downloads new blog posts right into Outlook. Newsgator isn't free, though, so if you want something free or something that doesn't require outlook, check out my article for some references to other aggregator tools. Thanks, hope that helps. I love you, mom! :)
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.