Happy Thanksgiving
Date Published: 25 November 2004
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Our Thanksgiving dinner here was actually pretty good. The task force chain of command served dinner for everybody on the base, which was a nice touch, something we used to do for Christmas dinner during December drills back in Ohio. We had turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, gravy, and a variety of pies (and sweet potatoes, but I'm not a fan of those). The pie was quite good, the rest was ok, but not great (it's not home). It was nice, though, and everybody at dinner was in good spirits. It's a bit cheesy, but although we weren't with our families, we were all eating dinner together as a family here, which was pretty cool.
Not much else new to report. Had a pretty busy day today running around looking at holes in the ground. Other than that, just trying to stay out of trouble, keep my guys safe, and get the job done until we can get home. I know I have a lot to be thankful for this year, even though this certainly isn't where I thought I'd be spending Thanksgiving while I was with my family a year ago.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.