DotNetRocks Talk on Business and Entrepreneurship
Date Published: 11 August 2008
A couple of weeks ago I did a DotNetRocks show with Carl Franklin and Mark Dunn in which we discussed our collective experiences with running our own businesses. We had a good time and shared some of our lessons learned. In some ways it was similar to the discussions Julie Lerman and I have proctored a couple of times as Birds of a Feather talks at TechEd shows. Toward the end of the show, I recommended a book that I think any would-be entrepreneur should read, which is:

This book does a great job of explaining the difference between being really good at and passionate about a particular craft or skill (e.g. writing software) and running a business centered around performing that task (e.g. running a software or consulting company). As I write this, I’m thinking it’s probably about time I re-read this book, as I’m quite certain I haven’t fully grasped all of its lessons. Key takeaway: if you’re excited about the former but not the latter, think hard (or find a partner) before going into business for yourself.
The DNR show is set to air on August 14th, so look for it then.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.