DevDays Aftermath (a bit late)
Date Published: 25 March 2004
I’ve been awfully busy, so I apologize to the two of you who actually read my blog. I spoke at DevDaysin Cleveland a few weeks ago. Overall the event went pretty well. There were over 200 people there. I saw a bunch of folks I’ve worked with before at various clients in the Cleveland area, including Gregg, John, Mike, Dan, and others. I was surprised what a ‘small world’ Cleveland is as far as the IT world goes.
I gave the first presentation in the web track, which was on ASP.NET Security Fundamentals. The session basically covers the various authentication and authorization options between IIS5, IIS6, and ASP.NET 1.x. It lays the groundwork for the later sessions. I sat in on the session following mine, then switched over and watched the smart client track, which to me was more interesting since there hasn’t really been anything new with web security in the last couple of years (it’s just that most folks don’t do it right, something I’m as guilty of as anybody for my own projects).
Following the event I had dinner with some other presenters, Alex Lowe, a few other Microsoft people and area ‘influentials’ at a nice restaraunt in town.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.