Busy Week
Date Published: 10 November 2004
It's been a pretty hectic week thus far here. I've been out on missions every day for the last few days, even on my birthday. They've all been good missions, though, and we've gotten to blow stuff up every day this week, which makes us combat engineers feel good (and, I think, our commanders as well). In the rear, we're packing and organizing, as the time is nearing when we may get to go home (or, in army speak, 'redeploy' -- which to me would be what some units coming back for their second tours are doing. I guess they're reredeploying). It's still a ways out, but there is a lot involved. I expect things to get more and more hectic, and frustrating, in the next few months.
Weather wise, it's really nice out today. Probably 75 to 80 and sunny. The past couple of days have been cold and rainy. I took a few pictures while I was up in the moutains the other day, and posted a couple in my November gallery.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.