Back In Uniform
Date Published: 12 May 2004
So, we got my uniforms out of storage last week and so today I finally went through the bins and found my old uniforms. Tried one on, and amazingly enough, it still fits! They do seem to have shrunk a bit in storage, though... Most of them are pretty worn, so I'll probably need to buy one or two new ones in the next few days. I don't want to buy too many woodland camo BDUs, though, since I'll probably need to buy some desert camo ones if I end up going overseas. I haven't found my beret yet, either, so I'm probably going to need to order one of those as well. I really wish I knew where I was going after Missouri so I could properly prepare, but oh well.
I also ordered a Garmin Rino 120 from for $199.
I've been using TechSmith's Camtasia a lot the last couple of days to make movies showing how to do some of the things I routinely do for AspAlliance / DevAdvice business, so that Michelle has documentation on how to do it when I'm gone. It's a really nice product; great for quickly creating a walkthrough of how to do something on the computer.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.