Back in Bliss

Date Published: 01 July 2004

Back in Bliss

After a few days back in Ohio on a pass, I'm now back at Ft Bliss CRC. Should be shipping out to Kuwait in the next few days. Not much new here except that I got an email from somebody at CNN wanting to talk to me about my IRR callup experience. I'll have to talk to my chain of command and/or Army Public Affairs before I say anything to the media, but it's cool that CNN noticed me.

More IRR Call-Up Info:

ArmyTimes: Thousands of IRR Soldiers Recalled

ArmyTimes: IRR Call-up Evokes Sharp Reaction from Hill Democrats

I think once the letters go out to the next round of IRR call-ups (next week), I'll probably stop focusing on this issue, since I'll have more important concerns at that point (since I'll be in Kuwait or Iraq probably). I know a lot of people have emailed me to thank me for providing what info I have about IRRs and my experiences, and I really appreciate that. I hope some of the 5600 who are about to get a big surprise in the mail also find this site and are helped by it.

Steve Smith

About Ardalis

Software Architect

Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.