aspConf 2012 Sessions

Date Published: 18 July 2012

aspConf 2012 Sessions

Yesterday I presented two sessions foraspConf 2012. The first was a new talk I haven’t given before on ASP.NET MVC Solution Best Practices (which I dubbed the Solution to the Solution Problem). The second one was a talk on Common ASP.NET Design Patterns, which is basically I talk I’ve given for at least a year now on Common Design Patterns, adapted slightly for ASP.NET (mainly MVC). The slides are shown below. The sample code for the MVC Solutions talk used a simple Guestbook application foundhere. The samples code used in the Design Patterns talk is a fork of the MVCMusicStore application found here.

ASP.NET MVC Solution Best Practices

**ASP.NET MVC Solution Best Practices aspConf2012**from Steven Smith

Common ASP.NET Design Patterns

**Common design patterns aspconf2012**from Steven Smith

Video of the presentations is supposed to go up on Channel 9 at some point – I’ll update this post once that happens.

Steve Smith

About Ardalis

Software Architect

Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.