Arrived at Fort Leonard Wood
Date Published: 24 May 2004
Michelle, Ilyana, and I got to St. Louis Friday night and drove the rest of the way to Ft. Leonard Wood on Saturday (May 22). We got in around 1300, met up with a sergeant I was supposed to call who took us to where I'll be staying while I'm here. I posted a few pictures in a gallery here. When I was here for EOBC (Engineer Officer Basic Course), I stayed at a place called Morelli Heights, which was like a hotel suite: maid service, personal TV, shower, kitchen, laundry on each floor. Nice stuff. Of course, that was totally the exception to the rule for my army experience, so I didn't figure I'd be there this time around. This time's more typical; old dilapidated building, no plumbing, no phone, metal rack bunks 50 to a room. Shower and latrines are across the street. But it's *got* plumbing and it's a far sight better than being in the field, so no complaints here (but Morelli Hts would have been nice).
I should be in FLW for about 2-3 weeks, sounds like, but this may be the last access I have to Internet in that time.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.