House and HP6 Update (no spoilers)
Date Published: 19 July 2005
I haven’t blogged much the last few days — I’ve been busy getting our house ready for its big home inspection Monday and reading the new Harry Potter book. I finished the book a few minutes ago, and of course now I can’t wait for the next one. The book’s very good; fans shouldn’t be disappointed, but there are some sad parts.
Hopefully at this point the house is pretty much a done deal (albeit not yet closed for another month or so), and so with house-selling behind me and HP6 behind me, I’ll be able to catch up on some articles I’ve been meaning to finish and some additional projects I’m working on. Tomorrow, though, I’m back to work at a client doing some mentoring and training for a day. I’m looking forward to it — one downside to working mainly from home is that I don’t get to interact very often with developers in-the-flesh.
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.