Getting Ready for Tech Ed
Date Published: 03 June 2005
Haven’t blogged much in a while, sorry. Tonight I have to pack for Tech Ed. Going to be my first conference since getting back home in January, so I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of people I haven’t seen in over a year. If you’re going to be there and want to meet up, I’m going to be at the Web Cabana most of the week (helping staff it). If I’m not there, somebody there will know when I’ll be around or how to find me.
I’ve made a bit of progress on two of the caching-related projects I’ve blogged about previously. I’m probably 20% done with a custom cache dependency that is based on a URL (thanks, Jim Geurts, for the idea). I’m hoping to wrap that up while I’m at Tech Ed or in transit. The other thing I want to complete this coming week is my auto-renewing cache item framework. I have this working for the simple case, but it’s implemented as a wrapper of the ASP.NET Cache object, and I haven’t had a chance yet to add all of the various method overloads that the Cache object supports. I need to do that before I release it since that will make it infinitely more useful. I’ll probably post the first version of it as an article later this month.
Anyway, I’m flying in to Orlando tomorrow and leaving next Friday. I’m registered at and will try to blog at least daily about what’s going on at TechEd. Thanks for reading!
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About Ardalis
Software Architect
Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.