Use RedGate ANTS Profiler with Vista and ASP.NET

Date Published: 02 March 2007

Use RedGate ANTS Profiler with Vista and ASP.NET

Found these two forum poststhat show how, as well as how to wire up ANTS to Webdev.WebServer.exe (aka Cassini).

Here’s the summary:

  • Start ANTS Profiler Select either Profile memory or Profile performance
  • Select .NET desktop application as the type of project
  • Click the elipsis (…) to the right of .NET desktop application and browse to c:windowsmicrosoft.netFrameworkv2.0.50727 and select Webdev.WebServer.exe
  • Let the working directory automatically update
  • Fill in the arguments necessary to start your web application: /Path:”c:inetpubMyApp” -the path to the web application on your hard drive /port:8080 -a TCP port not currently used by IIS (or other app) /vpath:”/MyApp” -the name of the virtual directory where the app normally is found in when you run it in IIS
  • Choose what code to profile and click Finish
  • Start a web browser and enter the address of the web app on your local machine, in this case http://localhost:8080/MyApp
  • Use ANTS Profiler as normal (take snapshot, etc)
  • When you are finished, close the web browser and then the console window launched by webdev.webserver.
Steve Smith

About Ardalis

Software Architect

Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET.